Requirements for importing household goods to Mexico
For those returning to Mexico after having lived abroad for a while, they should already know how complicated it is to move all your belongings from country to country. This is no exception when you want to re-enter all your household goods back into Mexico. For that reason, we enlist everything you should consider regarding the requirements and regulations.
According to Mexican law, there are particular cases in which certain people may not pay taxes when processing the import of their international move. To access this benefit, some requirements must first be met. These people fall into the following categories:
✓ Mexican and foreign students or researchers
✓ Residents in the border area
✓ Returning Mexican citizens & Permanent Residents
✓ Diplomats
👉 To read this article in Spanish click here
Anticipating an international move can prevent several possible complications and save you great costs. In Mexico, household goods or removals do not pay taxes, as long as the requirements established by the Tax Administration Service (Spanish: Servicio de Administración Tributaria, SAT) are complied with. These should be checked at the nearest consulate or embassy:
- Your residence outside of Mexico for at least a period of 6 continuous months.
- That a real estate (house, apartment, room) and belongings (other than new or prohibited items) have been established and used during the same time.
- The necessary immigration documentation is available.
- The planned return to Mexico is definitive.
* To make an appointment with the consulate or embassy, click here.
Likewise, the Household Goods Import Certificate must be processed. Although there are different ways to complete this procedure, Mexican permanent residents must complete the following steps:
1. The Household Goods Import Certificate states
- Full name of the importer
- Address established abroad
- Address where you will start your residence in Mexico
- Listed with quantities and description of the items that make up the household goods (Spanish: Menaje de casa)
- Time of residence abroad (not less than 6 months)
- Declare (under protest to tell the truth) the data of the previous household goods import petition, if any.
At the end, the following legend must be declared:
“For the legal purposes to which it may arise, this certificate is issued by quadrupling, without prejudice to the definitive qualification that the customs authorities make where appropriate, and must accompany the import request a copy of your migratory card or your multiple migratory form where the seal of the migratory authority is appreciated.”
Spanish: “Para los efectos legales a que haya lugar, se procede a expedir el presente certificado por cuadruplicado, sin prejuicio de la calificación definitiva que las autoridades aduaneras hagan en su caso, debiendo acompañar al pedimento de importación copia de su tarjeta migratoria o su forma migratoria múltiple donde se aprecie el sello de la autoridad migratoria.”
2. Attach to the preceding declaration, a copy of the previous household goods import petition (if any).
3.The import must be carried out through a customs agent, who will formulate a petition A1.
4. Present yourself with the required documents at the consulate or embassy.
The following should also be considered:
5. Those interested in the proceedings must not submit commercial invoices or be registered in the Register of Importers (Padrón de Importadores).
6. The importer must prove it’s immigration status at the customs office.
7. Authorization must be requested from the General Legal Administration (Administración General Jurídica) in the case of the second or subsequent household items that permanent residents want to import, and this within the year following the first importation.
* Consult the corresponding embassy and find out in detail before moving, in order to avoid inconveniences and fines.
All moves are subject to customs review!
For customs, household goods consist of goods for daily use and specific items such as:
- Furniture of a house that serves for the ordinary use of a family and personal effects (clothes, books, etc.)
- Works of art or science without constituting complete collections, that is, for the installation of exhibitions or art galleries.
- Scientific instruments of professionals.
- Tools of workers and craftsmen, as long as they are indispensable for the development of the profession, art or craft.
The following items cannot be entered into Mexico and are not considered for any reason part of the household goods:
*To learn about the procedure to enter pets to Mexico, click here
Customs information
According to Mexican law, certain rules must be followed to allow you to import household goods and personal belongings:
- All items must be used, for the purpose of personal and non-commercial use. New items or items in their original packaging are prohibited.
- Prove that the household items were purchased at least 6 months before the date you are returning to Mexico.
- Items that are not on the packing list already signed and stamped by the embassy will not be imported, and perhaps detained in customs.
- The Household Goods Certificate must be presented in original before the customs office of entry in Mexico (if the original document is not shown, the applicable duties or taxes must be paid since it will be taken as cargo for commercial purposes).
It’s important to collect every essential data and up-to-date information on the processes that are being carried out, both in the country you currently reside and the one you intend to move to.
For more information issued by the Mexican government click here